Random musings
Shared Items – January 10, 2010
Startup Advice In Exactly Three Words – #StartupTriplets “Improve employees resumes” January 10, 2010 – Unfortunately pithy advice sort of loses it’s power when you try to cram 50 of them into a single article but this one struck me as particularly powerful. (Came to my attention via a tweet from @Nivi.)
Shared Items – January 9, 2010
Kickingbear» Blog Archive » Software Sea Change January 9, 2010 – Interesting thoughts on iPhone app development. Hillariously recalls the hideous stuff we had to see in the 80s from desktop publishing and in the 90s from web publishing before we all collectively got our act together and recognized that the old principles of typography…
Shared Items – January 5, 2010
The case of the 500-mile email January 5, 2010 – Totally amazing geeky story of tracking down an impossible bug.
Shared Items – January 4, 2010
Rands In Repose: Wanted January 4, 2010 – A great post on hiring. Just like the author, I’ve let a few great ones slip away. His thoughts on “hiring for your career” are spot on. Your professional relationship with those you hire (or who hire you) is never over.
Shared Items – January 3, 2010
Daring Fireball: The Tablet The way these meetings work, from what I’ve gathered, is as follows. Apple brings no hardware. They bring no software. They show no mockups. They do not even completely acknowledge that they’re making a new device. The people from Apple simply say something along the lines of, “If we were to…
Catherine Rohr on Entrepreneurship
From “Life after VC“: “Prison is America’s most overlooked talent pool,” she says. “Many gang members are proven entrepreneurs who built highly successful drug operations. The thing they were bad at was risk management.” … “We’re looking for leaders,” says Rohr. “If you weren’t good at selling crack on the street corner, you’re probably not…
Why I went to Business School
People never stopped asking me why I went to business school. I was too old, too senior and in the wrong career track. “What jobs do you think it will help you get?” they would ask. When framed that way, there was no good answer. There are a number of reasons: Even though I was…
Minsk Wedding
I just got back from a friend’s wedding in Minsk. There were a bunch of awesome sounding weddings this season and I usually make a point of going to all the weddings I’m invited to, but given my new career situation (which I’ll be ready to talk about soon) I’ve unfortunately needed to conserve both…
Bailout Trillions
Barry Ritholtz calculates the total taxpayer liability of all the accumulated bailout programs at $8.5 trillion dollars. (Not including the $5.2 trillion in Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac mortgages.) US GDP was estimated in 2006 to be $13.13 trillion dollars. Wow!
Cap and Cash Back
Peter Barnes has written an excellent article for Reuters on a hypothetical scheme an Obama administration might develop to address carbon emissions and stimulate investment in clean energy in a way that is financially and politically viable over the long term. Exciting stuff.
Got any book recommendations?